Tese de Doutoramento

  • Matosinhos, R. (2021). Definição e análise dos elementos idiomáticos presentes numa seleção de obras escritas por trompistas [Universidade de Évora] http://hdl.handle.net/10174/30558

Dissertação de Mestrado

  • Matosinhos, R. (2012). Bibliografia selecionada e anotada de estudos para trompa publicados entre 1950 e 2011 [Universidade Católica Portuguesa]. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/12063

Capítulos de Livros


  • Matosinhos, R. (2019). Kerry Turner’s Abide with Me. The Horn Call, Journal of the International Horn Society, XLIX(2), 40–41.

  • Matosinhos, R. (2017). A Stolen Horn Story. The Horn Call, Journal of the International Horn Society, XLVIII(1), 62–63.
  • Matosinhos, R. (2017). To Stop or Not to Stop – That is the Question. The Horn Call, Journal of the International Horn Society, XLVIII(1), 56–59.
  • Matosinhos, R. (2016). Orthodontics and Horn Performance. The Horn Call, Journal of the International Horn Society, XLVI(2).
  • Matosinhos, R. (2015). Practicing During School Breaks. The Horn Call, Journal of the International Horn Society, XLV(2), 45–46.
  • Matosinhos, R. (2014). A Metaphorical Approach to Horn Teaching. Horn Call: Journal of the International Horn Society, 44(3), 41–42.

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